Hope in Recovery: Jerry's Journey

Find out more about trainee Jerry's journey to Hope Building and how it has impacted his life.

by Whitney Bowling, AmeriCorps Direct Service Member

Jerry has been struggling with addiction since he was 17 years old. He and his wife met in 2018 and were in active addiction together. They were afraid they’d lose each other, and this is what pushed them to start their recovery journey together. Now, they have been in recovery for around two and a half years and are still going strong!

HDA’s Hope Building program was recommended to Jerry by the Perry County Drug Recovery Court, and he jumped at the opportunity. 

“I’ve done metal roofing work in the past but never anything like this,” Jerry said, speaking about the work he does as part of the Hope Building construction crew. “Carpentry has always been what I’ve wanted to do in life, so I’m very grateful for the training I’m receiving.” 

Jerry has two semesters left at Hazard Community & Technical College, and once he finishes his classes and his training in the program, he’s hoping to get hired on permanently by HDA.

“I love everyone I work with, and I love how supportive and accepting everyone in the organization is. I just want to continue to be a part of it,” he added. “I see myself being a carpenter forever.”

Jerry has been leading a life in successful recovery for over two years.

"Jerry is a delight to have in our Hope Building program," said Hope Building Director Shannon Gabbard. "From Day 1, he has shown a desire to learn and is a reliable, hardworking employee. He also has a great sense of humor, and his peers really seem to enjoy working with him. I believe Jerry has a bright future ahead of him, and I'm excited to see the future he builds for himself and his family."

Years ago, when both were living in active addiction, Jerry and Lindsey King, who is now the assistant trainer in HDA’s Hope Building program, were friends. Jerry said it’s amazing that she’s now his mentor, both in recovery and in learning the construction trade.

Jerry with his friend and Hope Building Assistant Trainer Lindsey King.

“I’ve known Jerry for a long time and to see him now is remarkable,” Lindsey said. “It’s pretty neat seeing someone you witnessed suffering bad come out on the other side.”

She continued, “I enjoy getting to teach him on the job and watch him grow. He’s my trainee, but he’s also one of my really good friends and I’m real proud of him.”

When asked to give advice to anyone in active addiction, Jerry said:

"There's definitely a better life out there. All it takes is the want to. You need to separate yourself from people who still use and people who don't want to see you do better. Get yourself a support group - NA (Narcotics Anonymous) helps in early addiction, especially. Just find something you can do, that you can be proud of, and that'll keep you busy."

Jerry also had some advice for anyone new coming into the Hope Building program: “Keep an open mind. Stay teachable. Stay patient. Show up and give 100%. The people here will guide you on anything you don’t know.”

Find out more about HDA’s Hope Building program here. 

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